
Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Natural Treatments For Erectile Dysfunction

Natural treatments for erectile dysfunction can be done with a healthy diet. Experts say many other ways that can be chosen by men who suffer from ED in addition to using the drug Viagra, which is a healthy diet. There are more than 2 million men in the world who suffer from ED and most chose to pill Viagra. Man with a healthy diet can also be helpful in overcoming this embarrassing condition. According Boldsky, on Friday ( 10/01/2013 ) mentioned some kind of healthy lifestyle that must be followed to prevent this disease.

1 . Consumption Blackberry

Fruit is expensive this one has a high enough antioxidants, which will help men get stronger erections. The consumption of one glass of blackberry juice every day before going to bed, will make you wake up in good health and fit.

2 . Do not smoke

Smoking reduces the ability of man to erection. Thus, immediately stop your smoking habit, and move on to a healthy lifestyle.

3 . Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a food that will help him garner a lot of energy. Consumption of chocolate will be very beneficial for men. Especially when eating an hour before intercourse.

4 . Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice has many healthy energy for men . One cup of pomegranate juice is more than enough for a man to show his power.

5 . Acupuncture

It is said that about 70 percent of men with ED, psychological cured with acupuncture treatment . In a positive and natural , will help men get stronger erection.


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