
Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Consuming Avocado Can be Prevent Snacking

Consuming avocados can reduce postprandial satiety after lunch hour so it does not trigger for unhealthy snack foods.

Researchers say the consumption of half a serving of avocado fruit at lunch may increase feelings of fullness, and reduce the temptation to snack between meals.

Researchers have conducted a survey and compared between people who ate half a serving of fruit avocado and who do not eat at all. The goal is to find out how avocado consumption can affect satiety, blood sugar and insulin response.

Expert Nutrition from Loma Linda University, California and leader of the study, Dr. Joan Sabate explain satiety is an important factor in avoiding a person gain weight. Therefore, people who are not satisfied when eating lunch, tend to choose for snacking.

"Adding a half portion of avocado can increase the calorie and carbohydrate intake at lunch, there is no increase in blood sugar levels," Joan said as quoted by the Daily Mail, Friday (10/01/2013)

Joan continued, this sign avocado potential in the management of blood sugar.


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