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The 5 Benefit Workouts Routines for Health

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 22 Januari 2014 | 19.03

Many people who are lazy to workouts routines, especially to maintain discipline and consistency to do it every day. Though not a secret anymore if the sport is one form of healthy lifestyle that should be applied by everyone.

In addition, workouts not only nourish the body but also the health of the mind. If you include people who are lazy to workouts routines, here are some reasons to consider. Here is an important reason why you need to workouts routines, as reported by Mag for Women.

1. Making happier
Workouts helps you maintain a healthy body. But workouts can greatly affect your mental health and happiness in general. The study revealed that workouts can help you get peace of mind and helps the brain produce chemicals called endorphins. This substance is associated with happiness and peace within themselves. If you feel stress and depression, workouts can help you to overcome them.

2. Preventing obesity
Obesity is now a disease that afflicts more and more people. Originally started with being overweight. To combat that, you not only need to lose weight and keep eating, but also have to workouts. Doing workouts is the best way to lose weight, by increasing your metabolism and burn more fat.

3. Increase energy and endurance
After workouts, most people will feel tired. But slowly exercise will help increase the strength and endurance of your body. By workouts routines you also have more energy. Supply of oxygen and nutrients in the body will increase and make your immune system stronger. Workouts routines will make your body stronger and more resilient. It will be very helpful when you do activities or jobs that require optimal endurance.

4. Preventing sleep problems
People who have trouble sleeping usually can be helped by workouts. Workouts will help your body to feel relaxed. Not only that, workouts also makes the mind calm and help you fall asleep faster.

5. Extend the life of
Some studies reveal a link between workouts habits to longevity. One of them could be because workouts keeps your body fit and keep stress and depression that can weaken the immune system. In addition, workouts also helps remove toxins from the body and help you live healthier every day.

Those are some important reasons why you should workouts routines. No more lazy to exercise, because you yourself are going to get a lot of benefits.


The 5 Benefit of Warm Honey for Health

Honey is known as a food that contains a lot of health benefits. Eating honey on a regular basis has been advised by doctors to maintain a healthy body. There are many ways to eat honey, can be with food or mixing it with water. One of the best ways to enjoy the honey is to mix it with warm water.

To get the maximum benefit from the honey brewed with warm water, the consumption of the drink every morning. Warm honey has many benefits, one of which is able to help you lose weight beat. In addition, warm honey can also provide some of the following benefits for health, as reported by Boldsky ( 17 / 01 ).

1. Digestive Health
Warm honey and lemon should be taken every morning to help smooth and nourish the digestive system and help you lose weight. Warm honey and lemon will cleanse the stomach in the morning, and helps produce useful liquid liver to digest food. Lemon is added to the warm honey will prevent bloating and make food more digestible body.

2. Cleaning toxins
Drinking warm honey will help you rid the body of unwanted toxins or substances that cause problems in the body and digestion. Adding lemon in warm honey will usually make you urinate more frequently due to toxins released from the body. This is because the urine will bring out toxins and keeps the body clean.

3. Adding energy
Drinking warm honey is one of the best ways to improve energy. High energy will help the body to increase metabolism. Honey also stimulates the body's organs to work properly and effectively. It also helps you lose weight because metabolism smoothly will burn more calories. Remarkably, the energy you get from the warm honey every morning will last up to a day.

4. Prevent hunger
Warm honey mixed with lemon will help to suppress appetite. This is perfect if you are dieting. Eating in the morning will make you avoid snacks throughout the day. In addition, warm honey also contains a lot of fiber that nourish the body and makes you feel full longer.

5. Rich in nutrients and vitamins
Warm honey consumed every morning will help you improve your immune system. This is because the antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients contained in them. In addition, it also contains anti-inflammatory substances that protect the body from infection and disease.

That's some amazing benefits of warm honey drink. Consumption of these drinks every morning to make the body fit and help you control your weight. Add the lemon for a more maximal efficacy and refreshing taste.


The 5 Sex Positions to Avoid Premature Ejaculation

Written By Unknown on Senin, 20 Januari 2014 | 08.57

Sex positions to avoid premature ejaculation is very various. Premature ejaculation seemed to be a nightmare for any couple in sex. As a result of the sexual disorders, activities of this section no longer be fun for you and your partner. Actually there are a lot of things to fix premature ejaculation. Ranging from medical treatment, eating healthy foods, to change positions during sex.
Here is a sex position that can make men avoid premature ejaculation as reported from

1. Lap dance
To perform this position, the thing you do is sit on the lap of her. This position not only makes sex much longer duration, but also makes you as the controller of this relationship. Besides his eyes met the eyes when you will intercourse may be more romantic.

2. Face to face
Face to face is the position that makes you and he turns holding each other. This position will also further strengthen the emotional bond you and him.

3. Woman on top
When did the woman on top , you are in control. This position will make him avoid premature ejaculation, because you are the ones who 'work hard '.

4. The soft rock
This position is similar to the missionary position. But put your foot to shoulder the him to get deeper penetration.

5. Lying on her lap
While doing this position, ask him to sit comfortably in a chair and tuck a few pieces pillow under her knees. After that sit on his lap with a sideways position and place one of your feet on his shoulders.

It turns out that premature ejaculation is able to avoid the above position. In addition, one advantage of this position is to make you and your partner have sex last longer.


The 5 Signs of Lack of Sleep

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 19 Januari 2014 | 22.42

Lack of sleep is something that is very unhealthy. The problem is, if you recognize the signals given by the body when lack of sleep and need a break? Knowing the signs that the body requires a very important cue before your body starts to ache from lack of sleep. You must already know that sleep is essential for health. Not only physical health, but also mental health. While sleeping the body heal itself and rest. When the lack of rest and lack of sleep, the body will usually give a lot of signals.
Here are some signs that will be indicated by the body when you are lack of sleep, as reported by the Health Me Up (14/ 01).

1. Hard to remember

The study revealed that sleep has an important role to the relationship between nerve cells in the body and brain. To that end, sleep greatly affects your memory. The less you sleep, the less connection that occurs on your nerve cells. To that end, when one of their usual sleep deprivation can be hard to remember something. Therefore, people or teenagers who will face the test should not stay up until the wee hours and lack of sleep. They just need enough sleep to be able to remember all of the material being studied.

2. Can not concentrate

Lack of sleep will disrupt your concentration and reduce performance. Your body is tired and does not provide the ability entirely, as well as your mental that makes you trouble concentrating. At a time like this can help your coffee as a stimulant which will provide improved concentration. But this will not last long. The only thing that could make you concentrate again is resting.

3. Panda eyes

Dark circles not only disturb the appearance , but also a sign that you are lacking sleep. When lack of sleep, the body will slow down circulation and cause blood pooled in the eye area. This will cause dark circles around the eyes. If you are experiencing these changes, immediately improve your sleep habits.

4. Always feeling hungry
Research shows that sleep deprivation can disrupt blood sugar levels in the body. It causes the body to produce less leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite charge. In addition, there is also more body produces the hormone ghrelin, which makes you hungry. For this reason, if you lack sleep, you usually will always feel hungry and tend to want unhealthy foods.

5. Too much sleep on the weekends

If you sleep too long, even up to the day when a holiday or weekend, it's also a sign that your body is adjusting to the sleep deprivation experienced during the previous few days. Sleeping too much is also not good weekend because usually you will wake up still feeling tired and lethargic. It would be better if you set the time sleeping well every day.

Those are some signs that indicated the body when you are sleep deprived. If you experience these signs, do not ignore! Immediately fix your sleeping habits and meet your body's needs.


Women More at Risk for Diabetes

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014 | 21.02

Many may think that the huge man prone diabetes, in fact women are at higher risk for diabetes. Even according to the Ministry of Health, this is caused by lack of physical activity.

This was conveyed by the Director of Communicable Disease Control of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Ekowati Rahajeng, SKM, M. Kes when meeting the media in the event of Global Diabetes Forum in Kuta-Bali, Saturday (18/01/2014).

According Ekowati, women's obesity problem is not solely exist in urban areas. Because in the village, customs of the people today are now rare or gardening hoe. "Out alley ride motorcycles".

"The pattern of life of rural people now eat a lot of instant noodles. Physical activity more precisely in the city of villages. Perhaps because the land is sold," she added.


Drink Coffee Good for Diabetes

Drink coffee good for diabetes and can reduce the risk of diabetes. The research was conducted by scientists at Qingdao University, China, by analyzing 26 studies on coffee and type 2 diabetes, involving 1 million participants.

Researchers found that respondents who drank the most coffee were 30 percent less likely to develop diabetes than those who drank the least. The results of this study published in the European Journal of Nutrition October as quoted Shanghaiist, Sunday ( 11/24/2013 ).

The study linked the lack of risk of diabetes with caffeine weight loss and speed up metabolism. Two factors that are reducing a person developing type 2 diabetes.

Nutritionist Steven Zodkoy United States , said it is not clear why coffee reduces diebetes. But he connect with caffeine. And it turns out that the best black coffee.

"It's not just the brewed coffee can help, other studies have found eating raw coffee, roasted coffee beans that do not lower blood sugar in healthy people, which can help prevent diabetes," said Zodkoy.

Zodkoy explained, coffee drinkers in this study also have a healthier diet reduces the risk of making it. "People who drink coffee in the study tend to drink fewer sugary sodas, sugary sweet drinks known to cause obesity, which is associated with diabetes," said Zodkoy.


The 6 Treatment for Fainting

Often someone treatment for fainting will spray water when finding friends or relatives suddenly unconscious. Or, give a pungent odors quickly realized that. However, such methods are sometimes not effective. Here are tips from doctors from India, Dr.Vidya Shankar Giri, when you find people passed out, as quoted by Health Me Up, Friday ( 01/17/2014 ) :

1. View the circumstances
When you 're walking alone and found no fainting, then look at where the person is fainting. When fainted in the area adjacent to the cable and dangerous places, the first time you have to do is move the person to a safe place.

2. Shoulder press
When you find there are fainting and semi-conscious, try to make sure the person is fully awake. The trick , gently grasp the shoulder area. Convince the people to remain calm. Sit comfortably. After that, take him to the doctor.

3. Seek medical help
If there is no response from the fainting, try to check his breathing. If there is no response as well, immediately contact the medical team.

4. Never in lift
If you suspect a fracture in the neck and spine, it is better not to move it by myself.

5. Remove the belt
In order to open her airway, try opening belts and buttons a bit. After that, put food and drink into his mouth.

6. Accompany to see a doctor
Make sure you accompany him first, to meet her family or relatives. If not, take it to the doctor in order to obtain a rapid and adequate treatment.

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