
Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Potato Diet, to Lose Weight

Potatoes can be one way that is safe and effective diet to lose weight. Diet that includes potatoes as the main menu can help you to reduce fat deposits because potatoes are a good source of carbohydrates. Besides can also increase your health and metabolism systems do not pose a pile of calories in your body, As reported,.

Here is another reason why potatoes can lose weight.

1. Controlling feeling hungry
Make you feel full longer, because potatoes are one source of carbohydrates. This is because potatoes are rich in starch that can fill your tummy comfortably.

2. Gives you extra energy
Carbohydrate content in the potato is able to give you extra energy. This energy can you use as fuel for exercise.

3. Rich in vitamins
Vitamins contained in the potato is vitamin B6 and C, the body needs to stay healthy and fresh.

4. High fiber
Fairly high fiber content in the potato are able to accelerate your weight loss process. Because this fiber will cleanse your digestive and make you always feel full.

5. Contains a lot of water
Foods that contain lots of water can make you feel always full. In addition to keep hunger, it is able to lose weight quickly.

Potato diet you can do by eating potatoes as the main menu for three consecutive days. You can process them with boiled, steamed, or baked.


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