
Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

It Is Interesting to Know About Cholesterol

The word cholesterol is thing that clearly shows the word disease, then you will tend to associate it with something negative. Oils, fats, and coronary heart disease directly popping into your head.
But did you know that there are some interesting things about cholesterol?

Your body produces cholesterol
Without you knowing it, your body will produce cholesterol by itself. However, cholesterol is manufactured in accordance with the need to maintain a healthy body.

Cholesterol does not just come from fat

Perhaps you just know that cholesterol comes from fatty meat. However this is not entirely true . Because cholesterol can also be present in the milk and eggs. This food is a catalyst or can raise cholesterol levels in your body.

Cholesterol is beneficial for healing

Cholesterol is needed in your body because of cholesterol as a healing agent will help regenerate cells in your body. 

Genes may determine cholesterol
You rarely eat fast food and fatty foods but your high cholesterol levels? It can be caused due to your genes. Genes that you have on your body is able to determine the level of your cholesterol.

Cholesterol can also be decreased

Do not worry when your cholesterol numbers go up because there are cholesterol also decreased. However, low cholesterol is equally bad with high cholesterol. Low cholesterol would cause depression, anxiety, and cause premature birth in pregnant women.

Cholesterol in the brain

Your brain contains cholesterol levels. In fact, a quarter of the cholesterol in your body is stored in the brain.

That's the interesting things you should know about cholesterol. Cholesterol will not harm your health in your home keep it normal numbers.


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