
Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

Drink Coffee Good for Diabetes

Drink coffee good for diabetes and can reduce the risk of diabetes. The research was conducted by scientists at Qingdao University, China, by analyzing 26 studies on coffee and type 2 diabetes, involving 1 million participants.

Researchers found that respondents who drank the most coffee were 30 percent less likely to develop diabetes than those who drank the least. The results of this study published in the European Journal of Nutrition October as quoted Shanghaiist, Sunday ( 11/24/2013 ).

The study linked the lack of risk of diabetes with caffeine weight loss and speed up metabolism. Two factors that are reducing a person developing type 2 diabetes.

Nutritionist Steven Zodkoy United States , said it is not clear why coffee reduces diebetes. But he connect with caffeine. And it turns out that the best black coffee.

"It's not just the brewed coffee can help, other studies have found eating raw coffee, roasted coffee beans that do not lower blood sugar in healthy people, which can help prevent diabetes," said Zodkoy.

Zodkoy explained, coffee drinkers in this study also have a healthier diet reduces the risk of making it. "People who drink coffee in the study tend to drink fewer sugary sodas, sugary sweet drinks known to cause obesity, which is associated with diabetes," said Zodkoy.


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